Service Committee
Zonta Club of Savannah
The work of this committee encompasses:
• Zonta International service programs
- Amelia Earhart Fellowships
- Current International Service project(s)
- Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships
- Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Awards
- Zonta International Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Women (ZISVAW)
• Local service projects
• Local Legislative Awareness and Advocacy
• Z and Golden Z Clubs
Responsibilities include:
• Recommend action and local service and advocacy projects to support Zonta's objects, mission and goals
• Coordinate club participation in local Z and Golden Z Clubs, the YWPA Program, and the Klausman Scholarships
• Coordinate programs of Zonta International and the club and events and functions which:
- raise the awareness of status of women issues
- provide education and development to women
- publicize and raise funds for local status of women projects, and for ZI award programs and current international projects
• Seek corporate sponsorship, grants, bequests and individual contributions for major projects designed to advance the status of women
• Consider taking action by:
- offering support, financial or advocacy, in the effort to achieve justice, human rights and fundamental freedoms
- taking actions in keeping with Legislative Awareness and Advocacy guidelines and forming partnerships with other organizations for specific advocacy issues
• Keep club members informed of the accomplishments of women and of the activities of local women's organizations
• Provide self development and training programs for club members that enhance their legal, political, economic, educational, health or professional status
Zonta Club of Savannah’s 2007-2008
Local Service Projects include:
SAFE Shelter:
Back to School Party (Sept. 2007)
Spring Party (April 2008)
Personal Gift Bags (throughout the year as needed)
Anger Mgmt/Dating Violence Seminars
Purging Mail List (Fall 2007)
Women’s Health:
Breast Care Cushions (Spring 2008)
Safe Birthing Kits (Feb. 2008)
Legislative Awareness/Advocacy:
Advocacy Letters (throughout the year)
Human Trafficking Seminar (April 2008)
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