Membership Responsibilities
Zonta Club of Savannah
Membership Responsibilities
(June 1 – May 31) (December 1 – May 31)
New Member $211.00 $127.00
Standing Member $171.00 N/A
Attendance & Participation
Club (Required):
Second Thursday of each month
Committee (Required):
As called by the committee(s) you are on
Board (Optional for Non Board Members):
Monday immediately preceding each club meeting (unless otherwise scheduled)
Club Events:
Oktoberfest (1st Saturday):
Work a minimum of six hours
Fudge Scrabble® Tournament (January):
Obtain a minimum of $50 in Sponsors
Obtain door prizes and players
Work the day of the tournament
Service Projects (Throughout the year):
Participate in projects selected by the club
Other responsibilities of a club member are to: pay all dues, fees and assessments promptly, be familiar with club bylaws and parliamentary procedure, and participate actively in meetings and deliberations and accept majority decisions. Members are encouraged to attend Area Spring Seminars (annually), District Conferences (annually), Zonta International Conventions (biennially), and National Conventions (biennially). Each member brings a talent, skill, or expertise that can be used to further the efforts of the club to raise funds, to serve in the administrative part of the operation, to organize service projects, to introduce others to Zonta, and to get support from other organizations for club projects.
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