
Benefits of Membership

Zonta Club of Savannah

The Appeals and Benefits of Membership

Zonta membership provides the opportunity to:

Contribute to the needs of women and girls in our local community and around the world.

An individual, through membership in Zonta, can make a difference and touch the lives of so many more women than they could alone. Individually we do not have the time or resources to truly impact the needs around the world. Together we can make a difference and promote good will and understanding for all people through service and advocacy toward common goals.

• Broaden our horizons.

Many business and professional people are involved in organizations related to their businesses and professions. Zonta offers the opportunity to meet interesting, involved professionals and executives. They offer a diversity of information and experiences, share views, and seek to help women reach their potential. It is an opportunity to improve our understanding of other cultures and have an appreciation for our differences as well as our common interests.

• Travel

With a commitment to become involved in the total organization, you will have the opportunity to travel the world over, making lifelong friendships and understanding the various cultures of the world. Members are welcomed at Zonta Clubs worldwide. As we travel from our local Zonta club to the Area Seminars and District, National, and International Conferences, we know that through our service to others we experience the warmth of international fellowship and become the beneficiary of all the good the world has to offer. We become a member of the global society. We can become involved in other organizations with common goals such as the United Nations and its agencies. We can interact with other service clubs to make more of an impact on the eradication of poverty, violence, and illiteracy to name a few.

• Accept leadership roles.

There are many chances to hone your leadership skills and achieve personal growth and self-confidence in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. From elected officers that serve on the board to committee chairpersons and also to special project leaders, there is something for everyone.

• Be an active member.

The Zonta Club of Savannah is a working and dynamic club. Members participate in committees, meetings, service projects, fundraisers, advocacy, and interesting discussions. We work on inspiring projects that are soul stirring and call to our intrinsic sense that justice and equality should be available to all—without discrimination against gender.

Service is a privilege, Membership is a commitment. As a dedicated member of a chartered Zonta club, you can have the privilege to serve, the opportunity to benefit and improve yourself as the ideals of Zonta begin to resonate within you. It is an honor to be a part of Zonta International, an organization that is one of the most prestigious and success oriented service organizations in the world.


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