
Human Trafficking Awareness

First Identifiers

Individual Citizens

§ Neighbors

§ Customers

§ Religious Leaders

§ Teachers

Service Providers

§ Social Service Agencies

§ Code enforcers

§ Medical professionals

Engage the Community

§ Work with the media to get coverage of the crime

§ Distribute HHS posters, brochures, laminated card

§ Print your own business cards with signs of trafficking

§ Make presentations to community groups, churches, service clubs

§ Enlist the aid of service or faith-based groups to work with you

Expose people to the hidden nature of the problem

§ Use analogies of things we don’t notice until they are called to our attention

Explain their role as First Identifiers

§ Cite examples of citizens reporting cases

§ Explain that citizens do not have to fear “getting people in trouble” if they report a suspicion that turns out not to be human trafficking.

Educate community members – offer more than one program or one speaker.

§ People tend to only remember 3 things from any “learning event”.

§ Provide an Elevator Speech: 3 minute speech on human trafficking that can be said during any brief encounter

Train community groups to train others

§ Have “speakers-in-training” attend presentations to learn from experienced speakers and encourage them to interact with the audience before and after the presentation.

§ Train bi-lingual speakers to train in other languages.

Give feedback

§ Ask to return to the group in a few months for an update.

§ Suggest they enter their names on an automatic e-mail update service so they can see how widespread the problem is.

Think globally, act locally

§ Bring the issue home, but connect to the bigger picture.

§ Discuss the U.S. State Department report

Add a personal touch

§ Give people something they can do personally.

§ Pass out brochures.

§ Talk to neighbors or become a speaker.

§ Initiate drives to help service providers.

§ Advocate for tougher State law.

Recognize, support and reward those who take action

§ Partnership of Local and Federal Agencies ensures the best long-term treatment for victims and most severe penalties for traffickers.

§ Victims must not be treated as criminals, but as victims and witnesses. There is no case without a victim.

§ The initial rescue and interview will dramatically facilitate or hinder the rest of the case.

§ Partnership with service providers will ensure the best treatment of victims which will provide you with the best witness and a successful prosecution.

§ Dedicate a unit of trained officers to the issue, but train all staff.