“In Her Shoes” is an ongoing collaborative program between the Zonta Club of Savannah and the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. The program pairs high school-aged Girl Scouts with successful executive and/or professional women. Each woman allows the Girl Scout to experience a day in her professional life.
The Girl Scout gets to observe not only what it is like to be professionally “in the executive’s shoes,” but also receives realistic feedback as to what choices and sacrifices may be necessary as the Executive shares her story of the ones she made to gain the knowledge and skills to be good at her job, care for her family, and engage in the activities she does to support her community. In short, what it takes for a woman to achieve what she considers to be a successful life and to better understand that decisions/actions have consequences.
To access the In Her Shoes Orientation, please click here.
Past Service Projects
Zonta Club of Savannah
Girl Scouts
In Her Shoes Leadership Program
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