About Us
Zonta Club of Savannah
Chartered January, 1980
In early 1979, the Area 11 Director from Charleston, SC approached Faye Tompkins, the owner of The Home Maiden Shop on Factor’s Walk, about the possibility of organizing a Zonta Club of Savannah.
The committee from Charleston couldn’t have made a better stop that day! Faye worked tirelessly for months, talking to women and getting the Zonta Club of Savannah off to a running start! The Charter was granted in January 1980 and our history began with a charter luncheon on January 26, 1980. Ms. Evelyn Dewitt, Zonta International President, presented the Charter. Cookie Papadimitrious, Area 2 Director, conducted the installation of officers. Faye Tompkins became the first President.
We currently have 8 members in approximately 8 classifications.
Past fundraisers:
Oktoberfest on River Street – we provided a multitude of children’s games, crafts, photos, and raffles. This was one of the few activities for children at Oktoberfest. This gave us the ability to provide a service to the community while raising money.
Fudge Scrabble® Tournament – We held a tournament for Scrabble players and award prizes for top players, door prizes, and sale of refreshments. The first tournament provided the funds to start the Mammogram Fund at St. Joseph’s/Candler Hospital.
We have come a long way from the January day in 1980 with our service on a local and international level. Hopefully we will continue to grow in membership and service…after all…Service is what our club is all about!
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